Behind our teeny tiny house in the middle of nowhere stands a mountain. A rather large mountain. Not too high, but very long and wide. Louis loves the mountain. He grew up with that mountain on his horizon and apparently has climbed to the highest peak more than once. I was lucky enough to be taken on a surprise helicopter ride to the top for my birthday this year, the view was spectacular, and from way up there our house looked exceptionally teeny tiny.

A few months ago while Louis and I were building the chicken coop in the garden, we heard a rumble... then the rumble got louder, then there was an almighty crashing sound, and then silence. "Hmm" though we, "what was that?". Turns out a big boulder had broken free and decided to go for a roll down the side of that mountain. "Weeeeeee" went the rock. "Ouch" went the trees in its path. You can now clearly see the path that boulder left behind as it went for its joy ride. Scary thing is, it was fairly in line with our teeny tiny house, luckily it came to a halt before it rolled over us! Well, last night that mountain was feeling mischivous again... a bush fire started last night on its slopes, the mystery is how?!?! It was a warm day yes, but not so hot to cause spontaneous combustion.... it is not a place where people can walk so couldn't have been started by a person, my conclusion is that the local baboons have learnt to smoke and they tossed their butt in the wrong place. Naughty baboons. The fire was spreading fairly rapidly, making a beeline for our house. It hasn't rained for a few weeks so the grasses are very dry, perfect for bush fires. Needless to say, I was rather paranoid we would burn in our sleep and I got myself into a flap. A very sleepy Louis tried to reassure me that all would be ok, and if not I now have experience in fighting bushfires so should wake him if it gets close. Nice. I had one of those moments when I woke up this morning where you sit bolt up right in a slight panic and check your still in one piece. The fire is still burning, but luckily is losing momentum. Phew!
On to other things..... This year I have taken the handmade pledge, this basically means that you can all expect your gifts this year to be handmade. Its not that I'm cheap (although admitidly I am uber skint), it's just I personally believe that handmade gifts are so much nicer. Our world is too production line and mass produced, and the little things are often over looked. I have treasure the cards that people have made for me more than the shop bought ones, its more personal. Last christmas I made a toy elelphant for Amelia, my loveliest of lovely friends little girl. I really enjoyed making it, despite a few fudge ups in the process. It was Amelias first christmas so I wanted to give her something a little bit special, but was completely broke at the time. I sadly missed her 2nd christmas as I was here in SA, but have been busy creating a monkey to keep her elephant (named Elamy) company. I hereby name it Monkamy ;)

Kate, Amelia and Elamy :)
Monkamy - nearly finished!
Ive had a desire to make a patchwork quilt for quite a while now, well, since watching "Kirsties Homemade Homes". Before I left for SA I bought myself a couple of books to teach me how to make one, but they had to stay in blighty as I was already way over the weight limit when I did my packing. The past 6 months I have been so desperate to get cracking with my quilt, and after reading lots of quilting blogs I am itching to get cracking. I am determined to complete my first quilt while at home in England next month. I have found some amazing fabric companies online, and am so tempted to sell a kidney and snatch up all their lovely fabrics, but I will refrain, and so will my debit card.... for now anyway. I have decided that the quilt will be monotone, nothing but black and white prints of various designs, so if the perfect fabric jumps out at me, I'm afraid Mr Bank Manager, I will be taking advatage of my overdraft to purchase them, with full intention of making some cash when I'm home, and then more fabric will be purchased. Ooooo, I love buying fabric!! Its a guilty pleasure of mine.