Monday, March 22, 2010
Most of Sunday was spent recovering from the copious celebratory drinks, but my Monday a big adventure for me! While down in S.A. I decided to enrol on a course at the London College of Fashion. It's a week long course in learning to "drape on the stand" - basically how to create patterns for dressmaking by pinning to a dummy.... or something to that effect (I will hopefully understand it a bit more by the end of the week). I was a bit nervous about doing the commute into London as I have never done it before, but I actually really enjoyed it! I was just so excited to be going to the London College of Fashion! I love London, I love its hustle and bustle and eclectic mix of people and cultures. While riding the tube to Shoreditch I had a certain buzz in me, I felt like one of those girls in one of those movies about the small town girl with big dreams moving to the big city to persue her dreams, I even had my own 80's style soundtrack running through my head, for some reason Journey songs seemed to be heavily involved... aaa, Journey.... "Don't stop believin', Hold on to the feelin'", that song gives me goosebumps.
Sooo yeah, in summary, its a very exciting time for me at the moment, South Africa really does feel far away and not just in miles......
Thursday, February 18, 2010
spiders and snakes and frogs, oh my!!
We also had a snake in our bedroom a couple of months ago, a pretty scary venemous one! We had to blugeon it to death, it was too dangerous to try and catch. Well, Louis blugeoned it, again I just stood and squealed.
As well as the snake in bedroom, I have encountered one in the garden, one in the log pile,
one by the dogs bowls, and a mamba cossing the road in front of me.
All of which could kill me, and Ive been far too close to them for comfort. In England I used to be scared of bees, but they don't seem so bad anyomore....
As well as encounters with spiders and snakes, we seem to be popular with frogs. We seem to have a strange frog vortex in our coffee table. Louis built us a lovely coffee table with a man draw in it (a place for batteries, fuses, manuals and the like). You can pretty much guarantee that everytime we open the man draw there is at least 1 frog in there. The most we have had so far is 4 in one day. The most at anyone time was 3. Its weird, I have no clue where they come from or how they manage to get in there!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
goings on, handmade pledge, patchwork and doodles
A few months ago while Louis and I were building the chicken coop in the garden, we heard a rumble... then the rumble got louder, then there was an almighty crashing sound, and then silence. "Hmm" though we, "what was that?". Turns out a big boulder had broken free and decided to go for a roll down the side of that mountain. "Weeeeeee" went the rock. "Ouch" went the trees in its path. You can now clearly see the path that boulder left behind as it went for its joy ride. Scary thing is, it was fairly in line with our teeny tiny house, luckily it came to a halt before it rolled over us! Well, last night that mountain was feeling mischivous again... a bush fire started last night on its slopes, the mystery is how?!?! It was a warm day yes, but not so hot to cause spontaneous combustion.... it is not a place where people can walk so couldn't have been started by a person, my conclusion is that the local baboons have learnt to smoke and they tossed their butt in the wrong place. Naughty baboons. The fire was spreading fairly rapidly, making a beeline for our house. It hasn't rained for a few weeks so the grasses are very dry, perfect for bush fires. Needless to say, I was rather paranoid we would burn in our sleep and I got myself into a flap. A very sleepy Louis tried to reassure me that all would be ok, and if not I now have experience in fighting bushfires so should wake him if it gets close. Nice. I had one of those moments when I woke up this morning where you sit bolt up right in a slight panic and check your still in one piece. The fire is still burning, but luckily is losing momentum. Phew!
On to other things..... This year I have taken the handmade pledge, this basically means that you can all expect your gifts this year to be handmade. Its not that I'm cheap (although admitidly I am uber skint), it's just I personally believe that handmade gifts are so much nicer. Our world is too production line and mass produced, and the little things are often over looked. I have treasure the cards that people have made for me more than the shop bought ones, its more personal. Last christmas I made a toy elelphant for Amelia, my loveliest of lovely friends little girl. I really enjoyed making it, despite a few fudge ups in the process. It was Amelias first christmas so I wanted to give her something a little bit special, but was completely broke at the time. I sadly missed her 2nd christmas as I was here in SA, but have been busy creating a monkey to keep her elephant (named Elamy) company. I hereby name it Monkamy ;)

Kate, Amelia and Elamy :)
Monkamy - nearly finished!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Don't you just love thigs that make the world much prettier?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It's a sad sad day :(
A few months ago, Louis came home with a teeny tiny white Bantam chick. He was ridiculous levels of cute, and I fell in love with the little fluff ball. We called him Rocky; actually we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl really, but we always referred to it as a boy. He wasn't like the other chickens that we have, those are for eggs and *whisper* (meat...)... Rocky was a pet. He slept in the house in a little box, and we tucked him in every night to keep him warm. As he got a bit bigger we built him a little nursery pen in the big chicken pen. Louis would drop him off at nursery each morning and I would visit him frequently in the day. When he saw me coming he would get all excited, peeping away like a goodun. When I reached down to him he would jump into my hands. A good little chicken that always ate his worms and veg. I loved Rocky. One day, I decided the time had come for him to run with the bigs boys. Our other chickens get let out of the pen every morning and they run off free range, putting themselves back in the coop when its dusk. Rocky was so little compared to the big chickens, but he wasn't afraid. He stood his ground even when the bigger chickens tried to intimidate him. After a few days he seemed to be doing so well that I let Rocky run with the bigguns full time, just bringing him in when it was dark. He would however make a bee-line for me each time I went in the garden. I'd be hanging out the washing and suddenly I could hear Rocky peeping excitedly and running in my direction from wherever he was. But one fateful day, tragedy struck. I had to go and fetch Louis from work. It was only 5pm, not near dark so I left Rocky playing with his new friends and jumped in the bakkie (pick up truck to you poms ;-)). Louis had a few places to stop on the way home and we endedup coming back after dark. As we pulled into the yard, I suddenly panicked, where was Rocky?? All the big chickens had gone to the coop, and we nestled on their perches, a place much to high for Rocky to reach. I called him, and I could hear his peeping, but I couldn't pin point where he was. Then, I noticed Lola playing with something in the bushes. She distracted me for a second, but then I went back to looking for Rocky. I was getting worried. I looked everywhere, then Louis called me over. Basjan (pr: Bas-y-an) our biggest dog dropped something at our feet. I was Rocky. He was in a bad state, Lola had tossed him around like a ball, and he was dying. I cried so hard when he passed away a little while after. We buried him in the yard, and planted a tree on top.
I missed Rocky loads, he was a funny little thing. A few weeks later, Louis brought me home Rocky 2. He looked exactly liked the 1st Rocky, and soon took on the same personality, excited to see me, running over to me etc. But this time, I played it safe. I would take Rocky to nursery, but then shut the big pen behind me to keep him safe from the dogs. Rocky 2 loved running around in the big pen, exploring the long grass in peace. This morning was a lovely day, so I took Rocky out like usual to let him play in the pen and enjoy the sun. Louis and I went to town. I checked the chicken pen gate before we left and all was well. That was until we came home again. The chicken pen door was open! I paniced, "where's Rocky?". I went to the pen and called him, but he didn't come running like usual. Then, Louis found him, all his feathers where off and he lay still in the grass. The dogs had killed my little Rocky 2, too. I'm so sad. I'm going to miss that chicken. RIP Rocky dude, enjoy the big farm in the sky. xxx